Friday, May 30, 2014

Let me go to the mall every friday!

Dear Madre,

       You are the best Madre any kid can ask for.I get all my prettiness from you.I love taking selfies with you in the car all the time,thats good cause I hate taking selfies with other people besides me.Thank you for taking you time to read this wonderful letter.I would like to propose the idea that I can be given the chance to go to the mall every Friday with my friends, with no adult but, the adult will always be somewhere in the mall.There are many reason why going to the mall every friday is a wise choice.First,going to the mall every friday will teach me responsibility,I need to be more social with people, and it will teach me to handle money.In conclusion thats all the reasons why I think I deserve to go to the mall every friday.
    First reason why I think I deserve to go to the mall, It will teach me responsibility.The way it will teach me responsibility is I will listen more to people, follow rules, and respect their property.When a adult tells me not to do something I won't do it.I will follow all rules at the mall. Last but not least I will respect all property,clothing,Couches,and People.
    Second reason why I think I should be able to go to the mall every friday is I need to be more social with people.What I mean by that is I think I should be able to hang out with friends more. You should be able to trust me because the people I hang out with always have their parents with them in the mall somewhere.
    The third reason why I think I deserve to go to the mall every Friday.Is it teaches me responsibility with money.I can learn not to spend the money on stupid little objects.I can use it for cloths, makeup, hair products, and last but not least… Starbucks.I only get Starbucks because you dont give me enough money to get Starbucks because I cant get anything else besides that.
    Next,you said I couldn't go because there are too many fights there.I totally understand that you don't want me to get hurt, but i can take care of myself and how do you know I will get involved into the fights.You also said that people steal.I understand people steal, however, you should be able to trust me,After saying that you said, that you don't want to drive me, or give me money.I understand you don't want to drive after work but you can drive me and have someone take us home after the mall closes, so you can relax without children in the house other than Ginger and you said you didn't want too give me money any more but you can give me $25 every other week,I can also work for the money,maybe do some chores around the house for $5 a day,so I can clean certain things a day and it can be a lot for only $5.Plus even know my room is never clean,I can clean it every Friday morning.I know my friends get kicked out , but I don't and I only hang out with the people that are good, mostly girls.Next, you said I start being fresh and you don't trust me.Well, maybe you should trust me in life and plus I deserve to be trusted and Im sorry I start being fresh you never let me hang out with people when I want too and it gets annoying personally.And I don't hang out with the wrong people,I hang out with my friends.Last but not least, you said No!I understand you said No but I deserve and work hard to be able by the end of the school week too hang out with my and be a kid again.I work so hard the entire week and you don't reward me.I always get my homework done and keep my grades up, so I think I deserve to have at least a little fun and be a kid again.
     In conclusion,that is all my reasons why I think I deserve too go too the mall every friday.My 3 reasons I had was,it will teach me responsibility,it will teach me too be more soacial with people, and it will teach me too respectful too objects and people.

Love your favorite daughter,

Michelle Leigh Abney

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